Portrait Gallery - Pets
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"I commissioned Dienne to do a portrait of my daughter's dog, Trigger, as he was getting on in years and beginning to show his age. My daughter loves her boy very much and I wanted for her to have a lasting memory. I can't believe the wonderful job Dienne did - the likeness was spot on. I was so, so happy with the results. At Christmas time my daughter opened her framed portrait of Trigger and she started crying (of course I did too, lol), saying it was the best present ever. She couldn't stop looking at it and it now holds a very special place on her wall. I cannot give a better testament to Dienne's work than my daughter's reaction to the portrait. It was beautiful. I have now commissioned Dienne to do all my children's dogs as well as mine. Can't wait to receive them and display her beautiful artwork.
Thank you, Dienne. Hugs from Canada."Christine G